Errant Empire was created with the primary purpose of re-introducing an idea that Herbal Medicine is and was the original medicine.
We are located at 1316 Esquimalt Road in Victoria, BC
To start the process of making a custom herbal formula you can:
Schedule a full consultation
Schedule a free 20-minute consultation for an over-the counter formula
Our Dispensary & Clinic:
Works one-on-one with an individual to explain how herbs work and connect them with the research.
Connect each person with an herbalist to share which plants are right for them.
Providing the highest quality and most sustainably sourced herbal medicine in the world.
Empowering each person to take back their sovereignty in health.*
Providing accessible information and products to help re-connect people to the healing potential of plants
The world can seem chaotic and overwhelming at times, and our body systems are sensitive to this. To seek answers off of the accepted conventional path can seem like an errant choice. Errant Empire is here to help.
er•rant ĕr′ənt
adj. Straying from the “proper” or accepted path